#1 // The first importance of water in our life is that it assists digestion.
Strong digestive system is what you need to absorb all essential nutrients your body needs. Water mainly move food through your body and helps in preventing you from constipation and irregularity.
Why it is important to have a better digestion in your body? It is because your body needs all the important nutrients from your food intake to make it function properly and stay healthy. Without water, it cannot do its function.
#2 // The second importance of water in the body is it improves skin
As the water is absorbed by cells in your body, it helps improves the elasticity and moisture of your skin.
Based on the study on Dietary water affects human skin hydration and biomechanics by Lidia Palma, Liliana Tavares Marques, Julia Bujan, and Luis Monteiro Rodrigues, they primarily assumed that dietary water could be beneficial for the health especially in dermatological considerations.
This study then later lead them to a conclusion that high water intake of a person's regular diet can give a positive impact to having a normal skin physiology, visibly expressed by hydration and biomechanical behavior, and specifically those individuals who are having a lower daily water consumptions.
#3 // The third importance of water in human life is it improves the brain
It is clearly studied that your brain is made up of 80 percent water, so it is very important to keep it hydrated. To avoid having lack of memory and ability to focus, you better maintain the right water consumption of water according to what your body needs.
When your body is on full stock of water, thinking faster, more focused, and achieving better clarity and creativity is not impossible to achieve. Wile at the same time, water can also help for removing toxins out from your body through delivering nutrients to your brain.
#4 // The fourth importance of water in human body is that helps with losing weight
Based ons studies, water has zero calories and research shows that if you will be drining water 20 minutes before meals, it will make you fuller which will lead you to reduce the amount of calories you will be having from the food that you are going to eat.
Elizabeth A. Dennis, Ana Laura Dengo, Dana L. Comber, Kyle D. Flack, Jyoti Savla, Kevin P. Davy, and Branda M. Davy had proven in their publication, entitled Water Consumption Increases Weight Loss During a Hypocaloric Diet Intervention in Middle-aged and Older Adults, that consuming 500 ml water prior to each main meal leads to greater weight loss combining with a hypocaloric diet in middle-aged and older adults rather than using hypocaloric diet alone.
Hypocaloric diet means a very low calorie diet that sometimes considered as starvation if done in extreme.
#5 // The fifth importance of water in our daily life is it improves mood
Based ons studies, water has zero calories and research shows that if you will be drining water 20 minutes before meals, it will make you fuller which will lead you to reduce the amount of calories you will be having from the food that you are going to eat.
Elizabeth A. Dennis, Ana Laura Dengo, Dana L. Comber, Kyle D. Flack, Jyoti Savla, Kevin P. Davy, and Branda M. Davy had proven in their publication, entitled Water Consumption Increases Weight Loss During a Hypocaloric Diet Intervention in Middle-aged and Older Adults, that consuming 500 ml water prior to each main meal leads to greater weight loss combining with a hypocaloric diet in middle-aged and older adults rather than using hypocaloric diet alone.
Hypocaloric diet means a very low calorie diet that sometimes considered as starvation if done in extreme.
#6 // The sixth consideration of water and its importance is that it fuels muscles.
It is 70 percent of water which your body is made up of but contains up to 75 percent of muscles tissues. Since your muscles require a lot of water, more specifically if you are trying to gain more muscles, then water intake should not be taken for granted.
This is why when you are doing intensity and duration activity, you need to what fuel to choose to recharge your body water loss. However in general, simple water consumption can ease it all.
#7 // The seventh importance of water in our body is it fights sickness
The primary first step in preventing seasonal colds and flus is to make your body as hydrated as possible as it can lessen congestion and keep your body in better condition.
According to the National Institute on Aging, aside from getting a flu shot and other antivirals, drinking plenty water, or other fluids like juice but definitely not alcohol, can help make the sick individual feel better.
#8 // The eight importance of water to human is it keeps kidneys healthy
In everything you eat and intake to your body, it is your kidney who is responsible of filtering it. To make your kidney function so well, water consumption is a must that you should do.
According to NIH (News In Health), each of your kidney contains a million of tiny filters which are responsible in processing around 40 gallons of fluid everyday. Harmful wastes and extra water from your body, including some nutrients, will then be routed to the nearby bladder and will be flushed away as urine. This entire process cannot be successful if you drink less water based on what your body needs.
#9 // The ninth importance of water for health is it reduces risk of cancer
Since water keeps your body cells healthy, this could be one of the reason for combating certain cancers like bowel and breast cancer.
Altieri A, La Vecchia C, and Negri E posted an abstract of their study entitled Fluid intake and risk of bladder and other cancers which shows that epidemiological studies examined the association between different types of cancer and fluid intake. Fluid intake can reduce colon cancer risk through the decrease of bowel transmit time and reducing mucosal contact with carcinogens.
#10 // The 10th the importance of water in our life is it improves blood oxygen circulation
Water serves as carrier of helpful nutrients and oxygen towards entire body. To improve circulation for a positive health impact, you simply need to drink more water.
The use of water including various treatments using water (hydrotherapy) is just an old but very applicable even up to the latest time to help offer health benefits. These includes water therapy, pool therapy, aquatic therapy, and balneotherapy. For the purpose of better oxygen circulation, water therapy is best applicable.
#11 // The 11th importance of water in our diet is it helps prevent constipation
We always hear health and medical advise that to prevent constipation, you need to eat fibrous foods. However, it's not the only way to solve it. Maintaining your water intake is also the best solution, thus your movement can contain enough water in it.
Things you need to consume to avoid constipation are fiber, water, and magnesium.
On the situation that you're already constipated, drinking carbonated water can help ease the symptom.
Based on the study conducted by Sun Hwan Bae entitled Diets for Constipation, specially for children, chronic constipation can be suffered. Successful remedy for this health issue can be achieved not only through the help of medication but also including proper diet which obviously includes water intake.
#12 // The 12th importance of water in daily life is it helps boost energy
Water and its importance also targets on boosting your energy level. This means, drinking water will activate your metabolism. If you've boosted your metabolism then it has a good chances of higher energy level.
One study shows that if you drink 500 milliliters will boost your metabolic rate by 30%, applicable for both men and women. This effect will last over an hour.
According to Harvard Medical School, one of the 9 tips to boost your energy naturally is simply to drink water. Water prevents you from experiencing fatigue, thus always make sure to refill your body with water every time in come short of fluid.
#13 // The 13th importance of water in our life is it aids cognitive function
To stay in tip-top cognitive shape, proper hydration should be considered. This lead to some proven studies that if you do not drink enough water, you may feel negative impact in terms of alertness, focus, and short-term memory.
According to the study conducted by Shaun K Riebl and Brenda M. Davy entitled The Hydration Equation: Update on Water Balance and Cognitive Performance, water is the most essential nutrient and euhydration is necessary to make your body function well daily. Since your cognitive performance is measured on how attentive you are, how critical you think, and how effective is your memory, then water balance should be precisely regulated within your body to assess hydration.
#14 // The 14th importance of water in the body is it prevents gastrointestinal health issues
According to a study conducted by Barry M Popkin, Kristen E. D'Anci, and Irwin H. Rosenberg entitled Water, Hydration and Health, fluid intake in your body, mainly water, is generally absorbed through your small intestine. Therefore, factors affecting the rate of delivery of fluids to the intestinal mucosa which leads to fluid release out of your body will reflect on how much you drink. To avoid problems related to gastrointestinal function failures, you should consume the recommended amount of water which your body needs.
#15 // The 15th importance of water in human life is that it prevents overall dehydration
When your body doesn't have enough water, it will result to dehydration. Since water is imperative to many functions in your body, it can be very dangerous when dehydration occurs.
You should prevent your body to suffer severe dehydration as it can result in a number of severe complications which includes:
Kidney failure
Swelling in your brain
If you have lost enough water from your body through urination, sweat, and bowel movements, make sure to drink plenty of water to replenish what is lost to avoid dehydration.
#16 // The 16th importance of water in human body is it aids heart function
It is with evident that blood pressure, blood volume, and heart rate are linked closely. With this connection starting from bloom volume, every distinct function can be well regulated through enough intake and output of water in and out from your body. To aim for a health and wellness, a balance consumption of loss of water in your body should be considered.
#17 // The 17th importance of water in our daily life is it reduces the chance of hangover
To avoid getting a hangover after hard party, you should have unsweetened soda water with ice and lemon then alternate it with alcoholic drinks. This way, you can prevent from overconsumption of alcohol and at the same time keeps you away from getting headache the morning after.
#18 // The 18th importance of water in our body is that it is good for mental health
As proven by many studies, for best brain performance, hydration is important. This totally means that lack of water consumption in your body will give the consequence in your mental health.
If you suffer dehydration, the way you feel and think will be obviously affected.
In addition, hydration level is sensitive for your brain. Just 1% below optimal, it can already affect your mood which will make it difficult for you to concentrate and sometimes you can feel headache.
#19 // The 19th importance of water to human is it can help control calories.
One weight loss strategy is for you to simply drink lots of water. Although water does not provide any magical effect, yet, if with all higher calorie beverages you will substitute it with drinking water, it can certainly help you loss weight.
You have to understand that food with high water content appears to look larger. This means that its higher volume requires you to chew more while it is slowly absorbed by the body, then it will help you feel full. Foods that are water-rich includes vegetables, fruits, broth-based soups, beans, and oatmeal.
#20 // The 20th importance of water for health is it prevents headache
Main cause of headache is water deprivation and dehydration. Once you experience headache, it will lead you to lack of concentration and increased irritability and if making it worse can lead to migraine. Provision of enough water into your body is therefore needed.
#21 // The last but not the least importance of water in daily life is assist in chemical and metabolic reactions in our body.
Hydrolysis reactions are metabolic reactions that occur in our body in which water plays a role in the process. These reactions include breaking down of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins in the food you intake in which your body can use them for energy and then create the building blocks of life.
After learning the 21 reasons, you might think on how much water you should drink?
According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, there is a general water recommendations for total intake:
about 15.5 cups of water (125 ounces) each day a man should drink
about 11.5 cups (91 ounces) each day a woman should drink
In additional studies conducted, you are getting 20% of water from your food intake daily. Thus, the rest of the required water consumption can be directly done by drinking water.
You need now to pay attention on the importance of water in your body. If you want to get an improve health and other body benefits of water, try to carry a water bottle wherever you go and keep track of your water intake. Considering the importance of water in your life will definitely provide you a healthy living.
Atanistank cultivates, curates and shares water stories,tips and guides, to help others achieve an excellent life.
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