Action #1: To reduce your water use at home, you should hire an expert plumber to get good advice on what to upgrade in your plumbing fixtures.
There are lots of ways to conserve water. To start doing it, you should consider hiring a good plumber who can give you the best recommendations on how to update your present home plumbing fixtures to save more water.
Simple steps:
1. Get in front on your computer.
2. Search in Google the keyword "expert plumber near me"
3. On Google tabs, click "maps"
4. Once you see the list of plumbers close to your location, start contacting them.
5. Among the list, select the top 5 plumbers you need to see in person.
6. Talk each of the prospect plumbers you want to work with.
7. Compare prices.
8. Get a review of each of the top 5 plumbers from previous customers either through their online review or through word of mouth.
9. Decide who is the most reasonable and reliable among the five.
10. Let your selected plumber visit and check your house plumbing fixtures.
11. Get the plumber's advice.
12. Get the list and price of plumbing fixtures that needs to be upgraded.
13. Know your budget.
14. Buy the materials.
15. Let your plumber do his job to upgrade your plumbing fixtures.
There are certain plumbing fixtures advancement which can be easily installed at your home for to save more water. These are fixtures like the one listed below:
There are certain plumbing fixtures advancement which can be easily installed at your home for to save more water. These are fixtures like the one listed below:
● Pressure-reducing valves
If you are going to install a PRV (pressure-reducing valve) on your main water line, this means you can save water and thus your money as well. Having a pressure reducing valve, can minimize the amount of water wasted while you are running your faucet.
Based on research, for a faucet left running for ten minutes has a pressure of 50 psi uses 30 gallons of water while at pressure 150 psi, it uses 56 gallons of water. This simply means that you should find a way on how to reduce your water pressure at home to regulate your water usage and water wasted.
● Performance showerheads
Sometimes, we won't consider the idea on choosing for upgraded products into our homes. Have you heard about performance shower heads?
Performance shower heads has just a slight difference in the cost compared to the standard shower heads. Normally, standard shower heads has 2.5 GPM which means it uses 2.5 gallons of water each minute while with performance shower heads you can have it at 1.75 GPM or just 1.75 gallons of water per minutes which is around 30 percent of water savings.
● High-efficiency toilet
High-efficiency toilet is like a "Class 6" technology advancement recommended by Environmental Protection Agency on their "watersense" label. You should know that your normal toilet right now is flushing about 3.5 gallons per flush while if you opted on having HET (high-efficiency toilet), this will only flush about 1.3 gallons per flush.
How to save water in daily life is just a matter of choices on having the right plumbing fixtures, right?
● Water-saving faucets
If you can save 30 percent of water use through your faucets, why won't you consider it? Normal faucets is giving your 2.2 gallons per minutes while if you choose to install water-saving faucets at home, this will efficiently give you 1.5 gallons per minute only.
Without sacrificing good pressure, this water-saving faucets can let you save water and money at the same time. Why not install this in your home?
Action #2: You should take 5-minute showers instead of longer baths.
You might be wondering if it is really worth taking shower instead of a bath?
Have you ever questioned yourself on how can you conserve water in the bathroom? According to the Environment Agency, taking a shower can really make a difference than bathing. This shows that a five-minute shower make you save about one third of the water than used than bathing.
If all this water savings will be accumulated in a year, isn't that enough money savings at your end too? Besides, not only thinking for yourself, by doing this simple way of saving water, you are already helping the community in your area to have a sustainable water supply while at the same time protecting the rivers and wetlands wildlife existence.
Simple steps:
1. You should turn on the water then right away brush your teeth as it warms up.
2. In 1 minute, step in and get your hair fully wet.
3. In 1 minute, shampoo and rinse your hair.
4. In 1 minute, you can put your hair conditioner in and optionally comb your hair at the same time.
5. In 1 minute, you should wash your body. You can achieve it thoroughly by using shower pouf.
6. It's now time to rinse your hair and body on the remaining time you have.
Action #3: It's now time for you to use a water-conserving icemaker.
Since we are using ice in our daily lives, from our drinking water to milkshakes we are making, icemaker does a lot of purpose into our house. But have you considered the idea of using water-conserving icemaker to solve your pursuit on how to save water in the kitchen?
Technically, ice makers uses more water than just on the water in molded in the ice. Having such equipment can bring inefficiency in water usage at home if you are not choosing for the proper equipment.
However, if chosen appropriately, water usage will not be an issue. Out of the two equipment designs, it is efficient to use the air-cooled refrigeration unit rather than the water cooled refrigeration unit since you can conserve more water by using it.
The water efficiency comparison in the industry is measured in gallons of water per 100 lbs of ice. You should choose an ice maker which has a water efficiency equivalent or at least closer to 11.97 gallons of water to produce 100 lbs of ice which is quite coherent if compared to the usual 18 or more gallons of water to produce 100 lbs of ice.
Simple steps:
1. Remember when you buy your icemaker
2. Know the model of your icemaker.
3. Observe if your current icemaker has a water efficiency equivalent or closer to 11.97 gallons of water to produce 100 lbs of ice. If it is, then no need to replace for a new one.
4. If your icemaker has a water efficiency equivalent or 18 or more gallons of water to produce 100 lbs of ice then it's time for you buy a new one which suits on the requirement in step 3.
Action #4: Let your plants enjoy the water coming from your pasta cooking moment.
Do you know that one of the ways on how to save water while cooking is by saving the drained water from your pasta while you are making a carbonara or any other recipe made out from pasta?
Simple steps:
1. Set aside your drained water from the pasta.
2. Let it cool.
3. Use the water to water your plants.
In the part of draining the water, instead of letting the water go directly into the sink, why won't you save it and let it cool then once cooled, use this drained water to water your plants? For sure, your plants will be happy for this without doing any harm to them.
Obviously, drained water coming from the food that you are eating will not do any harm if you are going to re-use this water in watering your plants as it contains no toxic chemicals.
Action #5: When you are washing dishes by your hand, prepare a basin at your kitchen sink so you won't be letting the water to just run and be wasted.
Washing dishes by hands could serve as a fun chore for you and your child at home rather than using industrial dishwashers. This could be a good start of teaching on how to save water for kids.
Aside from simply preparing a basin for your dished to be washed, there are actually 7 tips on how to make your dish washing by hands quick to save more water.
Simple steps:
1. Prepare a basin.
2. Prepare a bucket.
3. Choose a dishwashing soap with the right ingredients.
4. Before doing the dishwashing, make sure you have a seriously good sponge.
5. Sanitizing rinse is best recommended.
6. Let your dished get soaked in the basin. Just be patient.
7. To remove dairy and starches, use cold water.
8. Use baking soda to remove grease from your dishes.
9. As much as possible, never stack dirty dishes in your sink.
10. Keep all the water being used during washing and rinsing your dishes in the prepared bucket.
11. Set aside the water in the bucket.
12. Use the water in the bucket to water your plants or your lawn.
Whether you have an industrial dishwasher or you not, hand dishwashing can still be a way on how to save water at your home.
Action #6: Never run your washing machine when they are not full.
This could be a good tip on how to save water in the kitchen and laundry. Running either your washing machine or dishwasher half empty could bring more waste of water.
Simple steps:
1. Determine the capacity of your washing machine.
2. Keep your used clothes secured area.
3. When you think your used clothes already reached the recommended capacity of your washing machine, decide to do the laundry.
Aside from having enough load into your washing machine to save water, you may also try these tips below to make it more efficient:
a. Use cold or warm water to wash your clothes instead of hot water.
b. Re-use your shower towel don't wash your clothes unless you think that it's time to wash it.
c. If you only have few clothes to be washed, try hand washing it.
On the other hand, aside from going on full load, there are also other water conservation technique in using dishwashers. These are:
a. Skipping the pre-rinse
b. Choosing for the efficient dishwasher quality.
c. Picking the right size fitted just for your home needs.
d. Handwashing when only few dishes are being used.
Action #7: You should cut back on rinsing if your dishwasher is new.
This is one tip applied by establishments on how to save water in a commercial kitchen. Even in your own home, you can do save water by following this.
Simple steps:
1. Know the model of your dishwasher.
2. If you found out that your dishwasher is still new, then start cutting back on rinsing.
3. Check if the washed dishes is clean enough even if you've done your cut backs.
4. Decide how much you should cut back as per observation.
New models of dishwasher are efficient enough to clean more thoroughly than the older ones. This means that you don't have to prolong your rinsing, thus to save water.
Action #8: Prepare a basin where to wash your fruits and vegetables instead of washing it directly from a running water in the tap.
May you had done it washing fruits or vegetables directly from the running water in your kitchen faucet. However, if you are going to count on the water wasted instead of keeping it in a basin, a difference in thrown water will really exist.
Simple steps:
1. Determine the volume of your fruits or vegetables.
2. Prepare a basin and put it on your kitchen sink.
3. Prepare a tray where to place your washed fruits or vegetables.
4. Fill the basin with water.
5. Wash thoroughly each fruits or vegetables on the basin.
6. Let your fruits or vegetables be dry on the tray.
This simple act can be taught even to children at home. Not that technical to be followed, yet it is an efficient way out of the different ways to save water.
Action #9: The lesser the water proportion in your cook meals at home, the more nutrients will retain in your food.
This is not only in relation to water conservation, it is also giving value towards a healthy diet.
You can choose whatever recipe you want to prepare at home but for those that needs more water portion, lowering it a bit would allow you to consume more nutrients from the food rather than be wasted on leftover soups.
Simple steps:
1. Research about the meal you are preparing.
2. Compare the water proportion from one source to another.
3. Try to experiment on lowering the amount of water portion into the meal.
4. Taste your new experimented recipe.
5. If it tastes good with lesser water proportion then practice doing that.
6. Apply this idea into your other meal or recipe.
Action #10: Use only one glass or bottle daily for drinking.
Mainly if you are just staying at home, you can designate one glass or bottle for you to keep on using per day and don't have to keep on washing them as you know that you are the only one using it for the whole day.
This can be practiced by other members of your family. The important thing to maintain is to know whose person is using a certain glass to maintain hygiene.
Simple steps:
1. Get 1 glass or drinking bottle for you to use in the morning.
2. Keep it in an area where everybody in the house knows that it is what you will be using the whole day.
3. You have the option to label it.
4. Use this glass or bottle in every drinking you make on that day.
5. Wash it before bedtime.
6. This is applicable to other family members in your house.
Action #11: It is better to scrape dishes rather than directly rinsing them.
This one is doable on either washing dishes by hands or through a dishwasher. Since sometimes, food leftovers will accumulate on the plates and dishes that you have been using, it is way better to scrape the dishes first before directly rinsing it with water. Doing it this way will totally allow you to save ample amount of water, thus minimizing your water bill.
Simple steps:
1. Stack all the used dishes.
2. Get a scraper.
3. Scrape each dish thoroughly until no leftover food is sticking into it.
4. Stack the scraped dishes.
5. Start rinsing.
Action #12: Instead of using running water prior to cooking, you can simply defrost food in the refrigerator.
Prior to cooking, if you are planning to cook frozen food from your refrigerator, it is much better to defrost it few minutes or hours before to conserve water. This is applicable in all kinds of meat including fish.
Simple steps:
1. If you decided to cook frozen food, defrost your refrigerator few minutes or hours before you will be cooking it.
2. Identify how hard is your meat and how soft you want it to be. Time will depend on the type of meat and its hardness.
3. Once the meat has reached to your desired softness, you can then prepare it for cooking.
Action #13: Soaking pots and pans in water prior to scraping them will soften the hard and sticky food leftovers.
Aside from directly scraping your used dishes, if it happens that there are really hard and sticky food left on the dish, it is preferable to soak them few minutes before scraping prior to rinsing. In this way, it will more soft and easy to wash the dish living it cleaner and all germ-free.
Simple steps:
1. Prepare a basin
2. Put water into the basin.
3. Soak used pots and pans into the basin.
4. Let it soak for few minutes until sticky food leftovers started to detach.
5. Scrape the remaining food leftovers.
6. Start washing your pots and pans.
Action #14: Cook one-pot meals.
Cooking one-pot meals will save you water and time. Specially if you are a busy person, your purpose, aside from saving water is also to save time. Thus, preparing one-pot meals for your family or even just for yourself will help you a lot. Then just re-cook some leftovers if you want to eat something warm.
Simple steps:
1. Prepare a menu over the weekend.
2. Do the grocery.
3. Decide what meal you want to have in the whole week.
4. Cook one-pot meal of each.
5. Put the meal inside the fridge.
6. Re-heat everytime you want to eat your meal.
Action #15: Avoid automatic water refills from restaurants.
One applicable principle you can practice on how to save water in daily life is to avoid automatic refills of water offered in restaurants. You know how much water you can consume in one meal set, thus you have the capacity to prevent the waiter for refilling automatically your glass even if you no longer need it. Doing wo will contribute a lot of water conservation in your community.
Simple steps:
1. When you are in the restaurant and the waiter will offer you water. It's okay for the first glass.
2. After eating, the waiter again offered you a water refill. If you think you need to drink more, then allow him.
3. While you are not yet leaving in the restaurant, when the waiter saw your glass half empty, he will again offer you for another water refill. This time, you need now to decline to avoid a glass of water to just be thrown away because you are no longer drinking it.
Action #16: Throw accidentally dropped ice cubes to your plants.
Sometimes, it cannot be prevented that when you are preparing something and putting ice cubes into a glass, you accidentally drop some pieces of ice cubes. Rather than throwing it into your kitchen sink, drop the waste ice cubes into one of your plants. Doing it can help your plant feel refreshed.
Simple steps:
1. Pick up accidentally dropped ice cubes.
2. Keep it in a container.
3. Bring it into your garden and drop the ice cubes into your plants.
Action #17: Observe the water footprint of your food.
One of the many ways to conserve water is to know the water footprint of the food you eat. Since water footprint of the food you are consuming includes the amount of freshwater that has been used during production and its supply. Knowing this facts can push you to be more keen on in terms of minimizing food waste as it will be link into water conservation.
Simple steps:
1. On your weekly food consumption, identify what food you are eating.
2. In each food, know where it came from, how it is being produced, and how did it reached to the market where you bought it.
3. In the whole process of your food from production until in your your plate, try to estimate all water involve.
4. Reflect and observe each of this as the water footprint of your food intake.
Action #18: Turn the faucet off while you still lather your hands with soap.
One of the issues involving how much water is wasted in schools is the fact that while students are being taught to wash their hands with soaps as often as possible for hygiene, some are not taught to conserve water while doing this act.
It is best to introduce that while washing your hands, you should sometimes turn the faucet off specially if you are still lathering your hands with soap then just turn back the faucet on once you are already in the stage of rinsing your hands.
Simple steps:
1. Open the faucet then wash your hands.
2. Turn off the faucet while you are lathering your hands with soap.
3. Turn back on the faucet when you need to rinse your hands.
Action #19: In a restaurant, you should order only water if you need it.
If you are in a restaurant, there are cases that sometimes, maybe you had ordered water and also a juice or a shake. Then you decided that you no longer need the water thus it will just go to waste. To avoid this, think ahead before ordering your drinks.
Simple steps:
1. Before having an order in a restaurant, identify first what drink you would like to have.
2. If you decided to have a soft drink or a juice, make sure you know if you need a water or not.
3. If you think the juice you order is already enough to compensate your thirst, then no need to order for a water.
Action #20: Create a simple rainwater catchment from your roof and use this water to water your plants and lawn.
Having a barrel collecting water from your roof is a simple way to create a rainwater catchment. Water you get from this can then be utilize to water your plants and lawn which saves you a lot from your water bill instead of getting this water directly from your faucet line.
Simple steps:
1. Put a barrel at the end of the gutter of your roof.
2. Use this barrel to gather rainwater.
3. Use the rainwater inside your prepared barrel to water your plants and lawn.
Action #21: You should apply water as fast as the soil can absorb when watering your plants.
There are soil that is saturated and not saturated. It depends on the soil type. If the soil where your plants grow can absorb water faster, you should observe it to avoid prolonged watering of your plants when your plants had already enough water in it.
Simple steps:
1. Identify how saturated the soil where your plant grow.
2. Try pouring a glass of water on it.
3. Time how long the water absorbs.
4. With enough estimate that water gets into the roots of the plant, that's the moment you limit the length of time you water your plants.
5. The important things is your plant absorbs the water at a right amount.
6. Avoid prolonged pouring of water more than what your plant needs.
Action #22: When using sprinklers, you should use the one which can deliver bigger water droplets close to the ground.
Watering your plants through using sprinklers, you should be keen to have a sprinkler where bigger water droplets can directly be delivered into the ground to efficiently water your plants and at the same time conserve water.
Simple steps:
1. Before buying a sprinkler, know first the size of its nozzle holes.
2. Compare the sizes with other sprinklers.
3. Check if there's nothing that clogs in the nozzle holes.
4. Buy the one that you think can fairly deliver bigger water droplets.
Action #23: Let your lawn have taller grass.
Taller grass means requires less water. Thus, with your lawn mower, you should adjust it to 1.5" to 2.”
Simple steps:
1. Decide what kind of grass you want to grow in your lawn.
2. Let it grow taller than 3" for a month.
3. Have 1.5" to 2”settings to your lawn mower
4. Start mowing your lawn and maintain the height.
Action #24: Always have your sprinkler in good condition.
Frequent checking of your sprinkler can save you time and water by letting it work efficiently in good condition. Or else, for some issues that will exist, it might only deliver less efficiency but requires more water usage.
Simple steps:
1. Use your sprinkler.
2. Observe its performance and compare it when you first bought it.
3. Observe how efficient it delivers water.
4. Check for leaks.
5. If everything is working good then that's better but if not, maybe it's time for you to buy a new one or have it repaired.
Action #25: You should clean sidewalks, patios, and driveways through broom and not directly by a hose.
One way on how to save water in the garden is to use broom and not at all time with a hose and water. There are cases when hard material and leaves are needed to be removed by the use of a broom. If removing it through a hose and a water then you might just end up using a lot of water before it will be successfully removed.
Simple steps:
1. Buy a broom.
2. Use the broom to clean every particle in your sidewalk, patio, and driveway.
3. Make sure everything is swept leaving the area clean and neat.
Action #26: If you have an irrigation system at home, check it frequently.
Frequent checking of your irrigation system can help you a lot to assure that it is working properly of if not, it will end you up losing more water with inefficient performance.
Simple steps:
1. Observe the water flow in your irrigation.
2. Check all inlet and outlet of your irrigation.
3. Observe if your plants received enough water needed from your irrigation.
4. If everything is working fine, no need to worry. However if it seems like some plants is missing some needed water, then it's time for you to be concern and fix your irrigation.
5. Check for leaks.
6. Check if something is clogging.
Action #27: Re-route your graywater to trees and plants rather than directly to the sewer line.
As long as your graywater or wastewater does not contain any toxic chemicals that can harm any plants, then it is more recommended to re-route it to water your garden and plants rather than just being wasted into the sewer line.
Simple steps:
1. Change the pipeline direction of your graywater.
2. Instead of pointing it directly to the sewer, point it to a place where there are trees and plants growing in your backyard.
3. To do so, you must contact a good plumber.
4. Buy the needed materials.
5. Have your new plumbing installation be done.
Action #28: Never decide on watering your lawn during windy days to avoid water being blown away or just evaporate.
Watering your lawn during windy days can just increase your water bill as in this scenario, most of the water will just be blown away by air and the rest will just evaporate. It will take you longer to completely water your entire lawn which means larger amount of water will be wasted.
Simple steps:
1. Observe the weather.
2. If it is windy, reschedule your time of watering your plants.
3. Wait until wind subside.
4. Then it's time for you to water your plants.
Action #29: All outdoor faucets, sprinklers, and hoses should be checked frequently for leaks.
One way on how to save water in the garden is to secure that there's no leaking in all your gardening facilities. Once a leak exist then ranges of water bill increase would start small to large. You will just feel surprised when at the end of the month it will become more than doubled.
Simple steps:
1. Close every faucets, sprinklers and other water sources from main line in your house.
2. Check your water meter if it is moving or not.
3. If it's moving, it means, water is still going out even if you have closed all possible water fixtures in the house. It means there's a leak.
4. Check all pipeline and hose in your house. Look where is the area near a pipeline that's wet. It might be where leaking exist.
Action #30: Avoid having a private pool, instead join a community pool.
Even if you can afford to have a private pool, it does not give a the best reason for you to build one. Joining a community pool could bring you more a lot of advantage aside from helping in the conservation of water alone. By doing so, you can create social relation with other members of the community pool and if you are with your family, strong and happy bonding will happen.
Simple steps:
1. Search in your area who is opening for a registration of a community pool.
2. Try to inquire who is giving a fair membership rate.
3. Know the inclusion and benefits of the membership.
4. Once decided which community pool you want to join, get registered.
5. Enjoy having a quality time together with your family.
Action #31: Closely monitor your water bill to spot leaks.
Keeping closely monitoring to your water bill could make you save money from spotting if leaks exist in any of your plumbing fixtures. Saving water is also saving money. If you observed that there's a big difference on your current bill from your previous one, something might be wrong, thus leaking might exist.
Simple steps:
1. Get your current water bill.
2. Compare it from your late three months bill.
3. Observe if there's an additional or lesser water usage in your house that month.
4. If the water usage in your house is almost the same but with a bigger discrepancy on your water bill, suspect for some leaks in your pipeline.
5. Close all your water fixtures in the water.
6. Check your water meter if it is still moving or not.
7. If water meter is moving even if all you plumbing fixtures are closed, then a leak may exist.
Action #32: Wash your pets outdoor to purposely utilize the used water for your lawn.
It could be fun and refreshing for you and your pets if you are going to wash them outdoor to purposely reuse the water for your lawn. Doing this, you can minimize your sprinkling time for your lawn, thus, means conserving water too.
Simple steps:
1. Prepare an area outdoor in your lawn where you can bath your pets.
2. Prepare all necessary bathing paraphernalia for your pets.
3. Le you and your pets enjoy his bath outdoor.
4. Practice it as often as possible so your lawn will also get benefited from the water being used during your pet's bathing.
Action #33: Avoid unnecessary flushing of your toilet.
Sometimes, when you are taking a shower after using the bathroom, even if you've flushed already the toilet bowl, yet, you feel to flush it again which makes it unnecessary and can add more to your water bill if accumulated. To avoid this, you can post a sticky note in your bathroom to remind to your other family members as well to avoid doing such action.
Simple steps:
1. Put a note near your toilet bowl to limit the flush once or as necessary to flush the dirt in the bowl.
2. Encourage your family members to record each flush they did on that day.
3. Observe who is flushing more.
4. Impose the discipline in the house.
5. Have a thoroughly cleaning of your toilet at least once a week to stay it germ-free.
Action #34: Turn off the shower while combing your hair.
Mainly women, when taking a shower, they comb hair during of after shampoo. If you choose to comb hair after shampoo, better to turn off the shower while doing it. This is one of the best ways on how can you conserve water in the bathroom.
Simple steps:
1. Know when are you going to comb your hair during a bath.
2. Turn off the shower.
3. Reach the comb and start combing.
4. If you decided to have back the water pour in your hair, then turn back on the shower.
5. Finish your bath by turning off again the shower.
Action #34: Utilize used bathwater to water plants or flush the toilet.
Simple steps:
1. If your shower is pointing to your bathtub, keep your used bathwater.
2. If your shower is not pointing to a bathtub, prepare a big basin.
3. Stand in a basin while doing the shower. This way you can obviously keep the used bathwater.
4. Keep all used bathwater in a bucket and set aside while you are finishing the bath.
5. Bring the bucket outside with the used bathwater.
6. Start watering your plants or use the water to flush the toilet.
Keeping it can save you money as you can utilize that water in either flushing your toilet or watering your plants. Doing this in practice can accumulate savings of both water and money.
Action #35: Upgrade your shower head if it fills a 1-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds.
Simple steps:
1. Identify if your shower head is producing more water, say can fill 1-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds.
2. Prepare a 1-gallon bucket.
3. Prepare a watch to time.
4. Start opening your shower and let the water into the bucket.
5. Time it for 20 seconds. Then stop.
6. If your shower head is producing more water, say can fill 1-gallon bucket in less than 20 seconds, it's time for you to upgrade it.
There are more efficient showerheads which conserves water. It still works good but with a fair water pressure and usage.
Action #36: While brushing your teeth, turn off the water in the faucet.
While brushing your teeth, you need to practice turning off the water as it is unnecessary to keep it running while you are not yet using it. There's another way to conserve water while brushing your teeth, it is to use a glass. This could add your lists on how can you conserve water in the bathroom.
Simple steps:
1. Wet your mouth and your toothbrush by opening the faucet.
2. Turn off the faucet.
3. Get a toothpaste for your brush.
4. Start brushing while the faucet is off.
5. Turn on the faucet and rinse.
6. Turn back off the faucet.
Action #37: Only run full loads of your dishwasher.
One way to save water at home is to have your dishes in a scheduled routine estimating that you will have enough to wash to run full loads on your machine. Doing the other way can waste your time and water, so with money as well.
Simple steps:
1. Identify how many dishes you will use each meal.
2. If it has lesser loads of dish in one meal, stack the dishes in a basin with water and soak it.
3. Wait for the next meal time.
4. This time, when the dishes are already in enough loads, start loading it in your dishwasher.
Action #38: Decline unnecessary laundry in hotels.
If you are staying in a hotel, they may offer you free laundry service or paid at a fair rate. You should still keep it to yourself to maintain a routine, if not needed, so you can have your laundry once you have enough clothes to wash.
Simple steps:
1. Know what laundry offers in the hotel.
2. Know how often should you use your garments.
3. Decline unnecessary laundry they will offer if you think it's not yet time for you to have the laundry.
Action #39: Reuse your towels.
Whether you are staying at home or in a hotel, 24-hour use of towel only is not necessary if you are concern on conserving water. As long as you feel that it is still clean, you can reuse your towel until you need it to be washed.
Simple steps:
1. Observe how often you take bath in a day.
2. Observe the smell of your towel.
3. Observe the stain in your towel.
4. If you think it is still clean, no need for you to get washed your towel.
5. Try to reuse your towel as needed.
Action #40: Cover open water containers at home to avoid evaporation needlessly.
Whether you have a pool or any open water in a container at home placed outdoor, try to cover it. This is to avoid needless evaporation. The more water that evaporates, the more waste of water it means. Minimizing it would means saving in your end.
Simple steps:
1. Determine what are the possible water containers you have at home that is open for evaporation. This includes swimming pool.
2. Get something that can cover it.
3. COver it as often as needed to avoid needless aveporation.
Action #41: Post reminder notes around the house for water conservation.
Simple steps:
1. You can do this by a fix note or through post-it reminders on areas in areas where water source is present.
2. It can be in the kitchen, bathroom, garden, or anywhere where faucets are located.
3. Set a reminder to everybody in the house to conserve water.
4. Ask each of the family members if are they following it or not.
5. Impose a discipline.
By doing this, you are helping yourself and your family members keep reminded to minimize wasting water.
Action #42: Reward kids for water-saving tips if they follow.
If you have kids at home, another way to follow up teaching them on how to save water at school is through this. At their young age, once they are practiced doing it, then as they grow old, they can bring it even to their future children which is a good practice towards water conservation.
Simple steps:
1. Show kids how to conserve water.
2. Observe how they follow it.
3. Reward those who follow it by their heart.
Action #43: Teach children to turn off faucets after each use.
One of the best practice to teach on how to save water for kids is by simply telling them to turn off faucets tightly after each use. This will create a responsibility for the children to be always aware on their using of water. Thus, it obviously helps conserve water either at home or in school.
Simple steps:
1. Tell the children how important is it to conserve water.
2. Show them how to turn off a faucet.
3. Tell them to practice it.
4. Reward if they follow it.
Action #44: Clean your razor by using a glass of water.
Instead of cleaning your razor through running water in the faucet, you can swish it in a glass of water. This is also another way on how can you conserve water in the bathroom.
Simple steps:
1. Prepare a glass in your bathroom.
2. Fill the glass with water.
3. Put the razor inside the glass.
4. Pick up the razor after few second.
5. Shake it outside the glass.
6. Put back the razor into the glass.
7. Finally clean it with a dry cloth.
Action #45: Avoid watering your garden at high noon.
Watering your plants at high noon can give two disadvantage. One is it has a high evaporation rate, thus you can lose many amount of water. The other one is you can give risk to your plants to be burn. The best time to water plants is early in the morning or during when the surroundings is cooler.
Simple steps:
1. Observe the time.
2. If it is past 10 o'clock in the morning until 2 o'clock in the afternoon, never do the watering of your plants.
3. Wait until it's no longer high noon.
Action #46: Add compost to your soil that will help it retain water.
Adding compost to your soil in your garden can retain water in it. If water is retain then it means your plants need lesser frequency of watering. This is also another way on how to save water in the garden.
Simple steps:
1. Buy compost.
2. Prepare your plants and the pots.
3. Pour enough compost to each plant pots your have.
4. Maintain this practice in all your plants.
Action #47: Avoid buying outdoor toys that needs water.
Simple steps:
1. If you will be buying a toy, introduce a toy to your kid which does not involve water like water gun or kiddie pool.
2. Let them know how to save water and why it's important so they will understand.
3. If you can offer the kids to spend time on other outdoor activities that require less use of water then it would be more beneficial.
Action #48: Create a goal of how much water you can save at home each month.
By creating a goal on how much water you can save each month, this will give you and your family members a challenge to keep on saving water at all time.
Simple steps:
1. Prepare a spreadsheet.
2. List all water usage you have at home.
3. Observe the fluctuation of your water usage.
4. Make a target goal how much you want to save water each month.
5. Implement a rule on the house.
Action #49: Attend seminars that teach water conservation.
By simply attending seminars about water conservation, you can enhance your practice on saving water. Specially if there are free seminars offered then you must grab it. You should be doing it on purpose for yourself, your family, and the community.
Simple steps:
1. Research for companies or organization that will be conducting seminars about water conservation near you.
2. Register.
3. Practice what you learn in the seminar.
4. Keep doing it.
Action #50: Try to visit your local Water Conservation office to get more ideas
Simple steps:
1. Locate where is your local Water Conservation office.
2. Ask the office personnel on what programs and trainings they have for the community to upgrade the basic knowledge on water conservation.
3. Get their new ideas.
4. Practice it to your home.
5. Share it to your friends.
By simply sharing these tips, you are already contributing to simple ways to save water.
Simple steps:
1. Read this 50 ways you can use to save water much from today.
2. Go to your social media platform.
3. Start sharing these tips to your friends.
This 50 ways to conserve water could be a good practice to follow in your daily routine. Remember, you don't have to follow every item on this list but if you can, much better. If you found this list valuable enough to support on how you and your friends can save water, please share it on your social media account now.

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